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    Top 5 SEO Solutions You Need to Know in 2018

    If you’re hoping to drive lots of traffic to your website in 2018, you need to stay on top of the latest SEO solutions. The trends are continually changing, so using outdated techniques could actually lower your ranking in search engine results.You want to make sure you are targeting prospective customers and that they are seeing your website. Staying current on the latest trends will help. Your website should be fully optimised so you avoid potential penalties. How can you do that and ensure your business has a strong 2018? We have some ideas. Here are 10 SEO solutions you should take advantage of this year.

    Also Read: 12 local SEO Solutions that may assist you Rank the Competition

    Mobile-First Index
    Google has said they are working on a mobile-first index, and it should be a reality in 2018. That means mobile optimisation will be more important than ever. For this reason, you shouldn’t wait to make sure your customers are having a great experience when they access your site with a mobile device.

    Each year more and more search queries are coming from mobile devices. Customers want a great experience on your site and they want it to be fast. Anything less, and they are gone in a flash. Make sure you are prepared and focused on mobile optimisation before Google implements the mobile-first index.

    Visual Search
    With visual search, users look up information by uploading images to search engines. This is more advanced than a reverse image search. Bing is adding various visual search features which allow you to utilize a visual search and drag a search box over images of interest. This allows a user to see a variety of matching products. Google Lens allows users to take and use photos and then receive relevant information from Google Lens. This includes relevant search engine results as well.

    This means you can’t rely on having stock photos or no photos at all. Instead, you will need quality photos and design on your site. You can find good copyright-free images, purchase images, or take your own photos. Visual search makes searching easy, enjoyable, and convenient for users.

    Voice Search
    Voice search is already popular and is widely used. This trend will only grow in 2018. It’s convenient for busy users, and many people rely on voice search to look up information or products.

    They can search while driving or as they do other things. In relation to your business, you should think about sentences users might recite to their voice assistant. Content on your site should the speaker’s natural language, and text should be written with a casual tone in mind. You should focus on long-tail keywords. Try it yourself so you can see what the expertise is like for your visitors.

    Optimize your eCommerce web Site into Search Engines in easy way

    Building Backlinks
    expensive backlinks can still be a very important of SEO solutions in 2018.This is one avenue Google employs to ensure a site is trustworthy. The quality of backlinks matters more than the quantity. So rather than having multiple links from multiple sites, it’s better to have fewer links from highly trustworthy sites.

    Competitors can create poor links from sites that are not trusted and send them to competitors. This is an attempt to lower their competitors’ rankings. A knowledgeable SEO specialist can recognize this tactic and prevent this from occurring.

    Brand Awareness
    Strengthening your brand can still be one among the highest SEO solutions for 2018. When your brand is near the top SERPS, people will be more inclined to buy what you’re offering. The goal is to have a recognizable and trusted brand. This builds customer loyalty and keeps them coming back for more.

    Social media is and will continue to be a great tool to help get your brand name to consumers. And although social media ads and content don’t necessarily change SEO rankings, it will help drive traffic and customers to your website.

    check out other popular post:  How to Optimise Your blog Content For SEO - Keywords, angular position Tags and Yoast

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